Changing the Cannabis Stigma

Many of us remember the Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s 1987 campaign, “This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs.” But the stigma of cannabis was orchestrated way before that.“California became the first state to pass a cannabis prohibition law in 1913. And in 1914, the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was passed, the first sign of the beginning of the US drug war. El Paso, Texas was the first US city to ban marijuana in 1915 as local police started rounding up and deporting Mexicans who had smoked marijuana.” Source: Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics first-appointed director in 1930, “is the primary person responsible for the stigma we are still working to correct today. He was in power for over 30 years, and his campaign against cannabis held steady for his entire career. An outspoken man, he used the new creation of movie theaters to spread the hateful message that racialized the plant further for white America.” (Source)In later years, President Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs. It was a blatant political maneuver as confirmed by comments from John Ehrlichman, counsel and assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Nixon. In 1994, Ehrlichman stated “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the [Vietnam] war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” (Source)If you are reading this article, you are most likely in favor of cannabis legalization and ending the stigma of cannabis consumption. We need to rally and pull together to let our voices be heard regarding the positive outcomes associated with the legalization of cannabis. Too many of us have been in the closet regarding our cannabis use because of fear of retribution. But the time is now as momentum and better understanding of cannabis advance and move forward.So if you are truly interested in helping to end the stigma of cannabis here are some suggestions.

Start a Conversation - Be open about your cannabis use. 

Share Your Experiences - Tell how cannabis has helped you and/or is part of your recreational use.

Highlight the Benefits - Disclose the potential medical and therapeutic benefits of cannabis.

Be Honest About Potential Harms - Cannabis is a drug. It must be used responsibly and at appropriate times for each individual based upon their particular reactions and dosage.

Emphasize the Regulatory Importance - We look to have trust and transparency in the cannabis industry. Legitimate lab testing complete with communication to end-users is a must.

Outwardly Advocate for Legalization - While we all support the legalization of cannabis, state by state, federal legalization is paramount.

Bottom line - if you want to drive success with your cannabis brand, you should be an advocate of the industry, not just your brand. Lucid Green is committed to optimizing cannabis experiences for all in the cannabis industry in addition to cannabis consumers. We aim to deliver superior value throughout the cannabis industry from brands to distributors to retailers via LucidIDs and our data asset management platform. LucidIDs are cannabis’ UPC (universal product codes) that allow simplified regulatory labeling, supply chain optimization, and marketing directly to brands’ audiences. LucidIDs empower consumers with the knowledge they need to have a safe, predictable, and enjoyable experience. Every LucidID found on pack is a trusted symbol of the promise that you can purchase with confidence and consume with peace of mind.


Is Trust and Transparency Over-Hyped?
