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Increase supply chain efficiency and enable full inventory visibility.

The Challenge

Reducing retailer order fulfillment time and turn around.

The Outcome

Higher working capital requirements for their customers.

The Solution:


LucidIDs will decrease inventory management costs by managing the flow of cannabis products to retailers and enhancing their buying decisions with the right data to increase profitability.

  • Touchless Inventory Management

    No manual entry during pick-pack; single-scan shipping; regulatory order ID details added to every case/unit

  • Touchless COA

    COA results arrive and are approved digitally; labels auto-populate; accelerating time from testing to production

  • Real-Time Inventory and Ship-to-Shelf

    Complete, real-time supply chain awareness; no lag from inventory intake to shelf

 Touchless Inventory Management for Distributors

Single scan in. Single scan out.

  • lucid-caseid

    Step 1

    Single scan of CaseID to capture quantity, SKU and METRC ID; embed warehouse locations

    No manual entry.

  • grid-icon

    Step 2

    Pick cases from inventory upon order

    Scan CaseID to confirm match.

  • code-icon

    Step 3

    Generate child batch ID from METRC (or other seed-to-sale)
    Automated compliance for each product.

  • upload-icon

    Step 4

    Upload METRC child ID to CaseID and all subsequent LucidIDs inside

    No manual entry. Save 4-6 hrs per order.

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