Ways to Connect with Your Cannabis Consumers

The democratized public has spoken. They want cannabis legal and available for responsible adults. And yet at the same time, a stigma continues to persist regarding cannabis consumption. Where does this stigma come from?  Generally speaking, there are two sources: 1) antiquated laws and politicians, 2) media and advertising platforms. Both keep cannabis brands from marketing to a population where a majority supports cannabis legalization and open market for adults. 

Weedmaps attempt at running a Super Bowl ad highlights the current challenges. As MJBizDaily noted, the commercial … was rejected by NBC after Weedmaps approached the network last year, according to advertising industry news outlet Adweek. “‘The answer was a hard no – they wouldn’t even entertain the conversation,’ Weedmaps Chief Operating Officer Juanjo Feijoo told Adweek.” Ironically, in Willie Nelson’s Super Bowl ad for Skechers, he professed,  “I’ve found for the legalization of the one thing that could bring comfort to millions – Skechers,” while wearing a LEGALIZE shirt, and added he was just trying to decriminalize…Skechers shoes. (Source)

We can expect to see more and more cannabis brands disenchanted with the current promotion “rules” as they relate to cannabis. For example, current Facebook Instagram policy is: 

“Instagram doesn’t allow people or organizations to use the platform to advertise or sell marijuana, regardless of the seller’s state or country. Our policy prohibits any marijuana seller, including dispensaries, from promoting their business by providing contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, or by using the ‘contact us’ tab in Instagram Business Accounts. However, we do allow people to include a website link in their bio information.” (Source)

Yes - rules like this make it difficult for brands to communicate with their target audience.

One vehicle for cannabis brands to connect with their consumers is via LucidIDs and Lucid Green’s supporting marketing services.

Generally speaking, LucidID are valuable to cannabis consumers for three reasons: 

1) No App Download Required

Any user who scans your LucidIDs on-pack is presented with a streamlined user experience. Scan with any phone and the experience content loads in the browser.

2) Rich Product Experience

Provides consumer recommended dosage, effects, ingredients, lab results, links to website/video…and more.

3) Product Verification & Authentication

By scanning the LucidID on your product and confirming your product is authentic, your customers can rest assured that their cannabis product is safe and reliable.

Once cannabis brands have LucidIDs on their cannabis packages, they can take advantage of Lucid Green Marketing Services:

LucidRewards - Build your compliant brand experience and reward your most loyal customers.

LucidDirect - Direct communication with your most loyal customers using push notifications.

LucidActivate - Activate your 1st party data to optimize in-store, online and mobile marketing campaigns. Go beyond simple brand analytics, learn about your best customers and reveal ways to engage.

So even in a challenging cannabis marketing environment, you have alternative ways to connect with your cannabis audiences. If you want to learn more about connecting with your cannabis consumers, please reach out to LucidConnect@lucidgreen.io.


Why Your LucidID QR Codes are Safe


Cannabis Consumption Tips